May 9, 2012

birthday party

My son is turning 3 on Sunday. We are having a Birthday Party for him.

It was supposed to be a small, cozy, familiar affair. But I like the people we have met in the last months, so I invited some more here, and some more there. And it seems they like us too, because they are coming! Almost all of them! Now we will be 22 23 adults and 13 14 children.

I'm baking quiches, cookies, a firetruck cake (trying to get around frostings containing things like partially hydrogenated soybean and cottonseed oil as well as 2% or less of other unpronounceable ingredients. It really bothers me...). I am also planning to cut fresh fruit and toss together some salads before 9.30 am, the time our guests are arriving... Sounds good, doesn't it?

It is getting a little bit out of hand...

My husband already asked if I was planning to cater a wedding reception he doesn't know about.

Unfortunately, this is me. I can give you a reason, why I have to make each and every one of the items on the menu myself, instead of getting them from the grocery store around the corner. And I am absolutely not going to spend about $10 a lb for fresh cut fruit.

At least, I hope this will make for some beautiful pictures!

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